Friday, November 30, 2007

I hear the sound of Christmas!

So as I tune in to "Santa Baby" and "Mary Did Your Know" and all the oldies and hymns that ring out during this advent season and even hear my daughter's sweet Christmas song "Santa Claus and Jesus" online (I await the CD!) I think of the wonderful foods that remind us of the season.
I often think about food. The savory and the sweet that we prepare with love and present to please our loved ones. This Susan Branch Cookie Recipe is a good one, almost as good as Suzanne's Moravian Cookies. Sigh!
So let us enjoy it while we can and make it healthier when we bake but bring out the wonderful smells and tastes of the season and let them be a further reminder that Jesus created us and died for us and prays for us even today! Let all our senses be reminded of His Birth and the celebration of giving. We cannot match His gift but we can give freely and with love. Cookies are a way to give!


It was all it could be and I took it all in and absorbed the look and feel and sound of those who came all the while trying to make it pleasant and worth the trip. The turkey was tender though served a bit later than planned due to my having to run to the store before beginning. Jams got lost but was soon righted and came to the door. Ira was fagged but he only got a couple hours sleep. He was ready for a night's sleep when the festivities were over. I love the fact that Thanksgiving means a couple days of time with the kids and others I enjoy and love. It is somewhat of a marathon and how I always love the chaos of family despite the things that do tend to come up. Small issues can become larger ones it is true but I do love the feeling of holiday. My life has been changed forever by the turns of destiny but I may cling to this tradition of a big meal, a bountiful table setting, gifts and pictures to enjoy later. Time with each if possible during the weekend and a hug here and there as they can be spared. I enjoy the children, their foibles and energy. I got popped one by Beck and though I couldn't laugh as his parents would have smited me into the dust it was so remniscent of Ira smacking Grampa Jim in the face when he was tiny...I think my presence was slightly intimidating to the darling boy. Grammas should be softer perhaps as Dana is but here I am the Joan d'arc of celebrations and noise and chaos loving the interactions and grabbing moments to keep in my heart forever. Ashley and Jessica have indeed become my daughters though indeed they still have their own families...I find them delightful. Oh and Jams was so wonderful with the kiddies and I love watching her work her magic. The missing of Jessi Lynn was very real but I bore it well. She is free to follow her star and avoid the very thing I adore as in it can be the most bone chilling of hurts as well as a passel of memories...But not to have her here was a loss. Suzanne bore up under my taking over and became a wonderful support for me only giving me one small lecture regarding an issue with one of mine whom she believes I should bear down on with a message of reality. I took it well and am still considering the value of following her advice.. Peggy was a help and seemed to enjoy the moments I savor. Mom apologized for not being able to "do this sort of thing anymore" as if she ever did and I gently told her it was my party and not to think a thing of it as no one wanted her to overdo in her 80's. All in all it went well and it is over for another year. My only regret is the pictures taken for our Christmas card were simply not right so we had to have a redo on another day at another party (smaller it is true) but they are done now. Winding down to a slower Christmas with complete lack of chaos. So what are you thankful for? Every day is time for thanksgiving but there is only one Thanksgiving Holiday Celebration!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Oh the Tea Oh the Tea Oh the Beautiful Tea!

So I mustered all my energy and drove up to MPLS to attend a tea and deliver supplements to increase Jams immunity and help her recover. We gathered all our fun and whimsical things and picked and chose then raced at the last possible minute to Cedar Valley and set up a table minus a few things we needed both to find and to buy. It looked promising and so many tables were just awe inspiring and lovely. Walmart helped and we located Gramma Evelyn's silver as Jams couldn't remember who borrowed her goldware. It was simply perfect! Jams put her red dress on and looked sooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovely (see for yourself...) and I dressed and tried to make my white hair look perky. As I did so Jamie asked if we could dye my hair again back to red and since I could seemingly deny her nothing at that moment I agreed.
Floated through the night, enjoyed each treat. Scones were served with Raspberry jam, Devonshire Cream, and Lemon Curd to dollop and boy did we dollop! Then came the fruit salad, followed by a lovely green salad with pine nuts and cranberries and oh my then the quiche. All the time much tea was poured, and conversation glowed with the candlelight. Our table held Jams and myself, Nina, Jan (missionary to Spain) Rachel and Sandy with her two daughters Sydney and Avary. Nice! This was followed by a program about sisters with the long favored song from White Christmas and the main speaker who spoke of "Reflections" and admitted to being a recovering "Hopeless Romantic" with many tales told of how it went wrong. Then came truffle and cheesecakey delight tiny and so easily consumed with more tea then they gave away door prizes and we cleaned up and floated to Walmart for my hair dye. Such a wonderful time!

God Met Me!

Last night I was dealt a blow. Not a slap but a blow and it hit my heart. I take abuse from some people because I know they are unhealed and I just get quiet and listen and try not to get wild with protecting or defending myself even though I want to very badly. This time I just couldn't think why this was happening to me. I did not deserve the blow but blows come so I felt in my spirit that I was to just be quiet and wait. I did quiet myself. I was able to sleep though I thought of the words again as soon as I woke up. But the thing to do was just carry on and wait...
So I got ready and took Demetrius and Karah to church, signed them in and went upstairs to read my Bible and get ready to worship God. I was in Acts where Stephen was stoned. I read how Saul was gleeful over the demise of Christians and how he continued to persecute them, but I have read it before and I know how it turns out! Praise God...
The words in worship songs melted my heart. I joined in fully and worshipped with my whole heart. The words to the sermon went deep and true to the blow. My healing was happening even as I repented for my distance from intimacy with God. Oh Lord how I love you and trust you! Then I heard His voice telling me He would take care of the situation. I felt the pain leave and the joy come. I can now wait for this with expectancy and kindness. Thank you Lord! Holy Spirit you are my comforter.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Cuppa and a Friend...

Nothing is so calming and lovely as a well set table (simple is fine) and the little things that indicate caring. Like a tablecloth, a tea pot, sweetener and creamer if need be, spoons delicate and precious, tea-bag holders, napkins and a flower..perhaps a home baked sweet or a morsel picked up at your favorite bakery. I am not against a mug with water nuked but the effect is just not quite the same...but any port in a storm...don't let it stop you from coming together for a cuppa tea!
So I must be needing that lovely atmosphere in my life today. Lovely is just delighful to soothe the spirit and share some tidbit of wisdom the Lord has passed to you in the midst of the fray we are always in these days. A calm spot, a friends hand, the liquor of tea in a precious cup...oh my!


Next Week I better not forget my camera as I will be at Cedar Valley Church in Bloomington listening to someone speak about Reflections at their annual "Tea". We missed last year as we were in St. Louis for an early Thanksgiving and Jessi and Jamie were on their "Roadtrip". So this year Jams has a table and I am going with bells on! I am anticipating a wonderful trip and time with many pictures to post and blog about. Yeah!

A week has passed!

Somehow I have gotton through this was filled with time and money stealing events but I am resting at Suzanne's again and breathing easier. It was all about getting ready for Jenna's surgery, having Progress Evals at Dr. Emmet's and added emergencies! I worked in the office but the printer was having a fit and printed wing-ding for 40 minutes, then finally I was able to print half the bulletin. The other half awaits my return.
The best was shopping at Goodwill today...bought such lovely things for less. Christmas gifts are nearly done. Only the hard ones boys and Jack. The girls are a snap!
Karah's birthday is tomorrow and we are having a small thing for her here tonight with a friend. I have brought a great gift for her. A "chapter book" for me to read when I am here to both her and Demetrius. Then another book and best of all a wonderful picture frame that says "Someone loves you" on the frame and a picture of Jessi holding her cheek to cheek! Karah and Jessi Lynn are starcrossed for sure!
The surgery is over and Jenna is intact though will need a C-section if she ever gives birth but at least she can...she is still in the hospital and in major pain from the surgery. If they do not release her tonight they will in morning and I will go and get her. Her dad did show up at the hospital and Sarah was there. She left this morning after staying with Jenna at the hospital. I went home and did some other important things (like sleep for one)!
Jonathan's mother is here painting Karah's room delicious lavender and she is doing some special effects...Jonathan is having a weekend in lock-up at detention. Pray for that boy please! He is angry and hard to handle and his gramma is in intensive care after a coma. Mom is trying to fill the gap and it isn't really working.
I forgot my camera but oh well. There is always next week...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Crazy Weekend!

So I came I saw and I cleaned up...and then I forgot to turn the clocks back thereby getting to Lake City at 9:15 instead of 10:15 AM so went to Peggy's and let the kids be crazy for an hour. Later I talked to Mike and went to Woodmans to get groceries as they were to come for supper. That was the best laid plans of mice and men...the chicken did not get done on time and I made a cake that no one ate but me and Karah. Fiddle de de.
No sense cooking for Eliana she doesn't eat much. She did eat a single cooked carrot coin and was so proud and when I ate the same she hugged me and told me she was so happy I ate one. On arrival she flies into the house calling "Gramma! Gramma! Where are you Gramma?" and hugs me before going nuts over the hundreds of toys. I love her to pieces! Mike and Jessica were tired and so was I but we got on okay.
Mike ran 2 sepereate spy ware checks on Suz' computer and they took of thousands of spy ware which could have potentially stolen her credit card or whatever. So then he ran a virus check as well. So it was not all in vain. Food channel was on with wild cakes being made in shape of Pianos etc. They left to go grocery shopping with Eliana wailing and tired not wanting to leave.
We cleaned up and did a mess of dishes then.
Meanwhile I wonder if Jessi made it okay to St. Louis. She was slowed down in her travels by that concert/party thingy in Minneapolis. It was a disappointment as not many paid the high price for the VIP Party...but oh well...if she learned something it will all be worthwhile in the long run. I pray she keeps learning and growing along the way.
Jams is babysitting for wonderful loving kids and making a fortune. I like that for her!
Tisha had a wonderful day with rediscovery of a bath and she liked it. Will wonders never cease??? She is happily playing in her pen at present and the other two gave up and went to bed. It seems as if it were an especially long day.
A text message arrived this morning from Ira that Beck pooped in the potty (and Evie pooped in the bath.) Another day in the life of the grandkids as they grow and learn and just are kids. I am happy to be part of their lives anyway and anyhow.
Tisha's adoption court date is the day before Thanksgiving. I will be there to support Suzanne as best I can...So much to do and so little time! This life is crazy and I love parts of it immensely and other parts are just wrong so guess looking forward to Jesus coming is the only thing that truly makes any lasting hope in my heart. The rest is very fleeting and not dependable. He is a sure and solid thing to build a life on. I am so ready to rest tonight, When Tish gets tired I want to be ready to sleep. Yawn!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

So I looked up the movie we are to watch!

Miss Potter stars Renee Zelweger and I shall enjoy it thoroughly I would imagine. I love to anticipate things that are coming up. The turkey and stuffing will be good. The table will be set in great array with gifts for all...but the most important part is the people. Yippee for the kiddies and Yahoo for the ladies and Whahoo for the men all together and enjoying each other but yes for a time of tea and muchies for the girls to gather and watch Miss Potter together. Sigh!

What would you do if you could?

Beauty: What would you change if you could change it?
I would lose the weight and I will...(just have to get the insight and the muse. I am so tired that it is hard for me to take the time to do much for myself these days, but my day is coming soon.)
I would tone up the muscles that are lacking tone now.
I would get a new tattoo. I would lighten my teeth and replace the dark fillings and caps.
I would let my hair be natural for awhile before dying again....just to center myself. But no promises to stay that way...ha
I would go to the spa and relax...laugh more and write more letters and the sunshine would soak into me from those accomplishments. Iwould fly about visiting my grandkids and laughing with them...
What would you do? Would you get lift or change your hair or get your teeth fixed? Would you fly to Italy and eat pasta and bruchetta drizzled with olive oil?
Tell me it is all about beauty you know?
I think finding peace with God will give the most beauty of all from the heart out...

Beauty is Relative!

So what makes you think someone is beautiful? I think knowing them through experiences or watching how they are in certain situations...What influences your opinions on beauty and attractiveness...?
When you look in the mirror what do you want to see?
Does a smile make a difference?
For actresses what makes you think they are really pretty?
I am influenced by cheekbones and eyes, lips and hair...It is not just a certain thing I look for but the total package. I need a touch of real but a mystique that shines through.
What about you?

In the long run it is not just their physical looks but some other thing as well. I think my daughters and daughter-in-laws are beautiful. No arguments there!

Blogger challenges..

Lovely idea this blogging thing. A journal with pictures and thoughts and quotes but you must be able to traverse the great divide between cyberspace and real life. It has indeed been a challenge and I look forward to Ash and Jams coming at Thanksgiving to help me put musica on my site. Haunting melodies to play in the background. I am collecting images in my spare time when Tish is sleeping. Oh how lovely it is...

"La Vie Claire" or La Vie Lynda...

I have purchased a magazine (is anyone surprised that knows me?) with the above title. When I am craving beauty and cannot find it in my immediate surroundings in a form that soothes then I buy a mag and filter through it and stockpile the images in my head. A cuppa tea helps make the event even more special.
Christmas is coming and though I cannot always have the event that in my mind constitutes "lovely" I can do my best to conjure it up in some other form. So the best laid plans often fail but if you fail to plan you have no chance to gloat at success!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bills Paid and Kids in Bed!

I love it! I have enough money to get through the month if all comes in that is predicted. Yeah! The soup was delish! Metrie did dishes and Suzanne came home early and is crunching ice! I will get a good night's was and now is DONE!

Was Quite a Week!

Came down with sinus thing first, helped with the church Harvest Party and Feast, helped get Jenna lined up to have surgery next week, and worked, had lunch with a friend, tried to calm the beast in Jack who sure had a bad week and cleaned like mad at the house to make room for the additional person who stayed at Peterson's all week for sleeping as they were gone. I came down to be caretaker of children and hugged my youngest daughter goodbye for a couple months. I pray she has safe travel and that God blesses her and draws her close. It is her request that we have a late Christmas in January towards the end. I want to discuss this will Ashley and Jamie and all who would want to do this...maybe it will work. We could add some twists to it and create a tradition... more ingenuity than expense or something...Give me your thoughts if you read this... A night at Kalahari or some water park...
So at present I am making Chicken soup, my family favorite soup along with 2 others I like to create (potato with turkey ham and chili - 2 alarm). I am also nibbling at a pomegrante which I found at the grocers. I never really know if I like them but I love the idea of them!
Tish is sleeping yet and Metrie and Karah are across the street playing. I have to do the bills tonight and that is truly sad. I need 2 more jobs at least. The state that I am is really a state of alarm! But then I never let a thing like a bank balance get me down for long.
My new favorite store is Goodwill and 2nd is St. Vinnies. When I want to go upscale I run in to Marshalls and check the clearance still resonates but the echo of pleasure is gone..
Gone is where Jessi is.
Gone is where "Christmas as I once knew it" is.
Gone is where I got to be fancy free and full of fun.
So gone is what I have to adjust to. HELP ME LORD!
Well, off to the impossible job of balancing things out.