Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Garden.... The Easy

I had a great idea! I wanted a raised bed garden on my side yard. Last year the neighbors put one up with cinder blocks and I was unable to muster it. This year I whined a lot and got some help. I found a design in a magazine with lots of suggestions then Jenna and I went to Menards and got a guy to help us who showed all the possibilities with various types of lumber and even some ready made plastic kits. I decided and we got the lumber a week later. This first one is the result of a lot of work, some injuries, a call to diggers hotline and Pastor coming over and rescuing me when the injury stopped the work.

Later more barnyard dirt and some bags of potting soil got us to be able to finish the base. Jessi Lynn then helped me plant. I have added several more herbs since but here she was taking pictures after we planted. We even took the leftover barnyard dirt and put pickling cukes in 4 hills on the pile. I am such a dreamer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very fun! It's going to be wonderfully prolific. I just hope you don't have bunny problems. I totally sympathize with Mr. McGreggor now... ;)