Oh what a trip we took, my Jack and I. We drove far and met many and enjoyed it all. The wedding was a great and special event. I have liked all my kids weddings so far and this one was as unique and special as Jamie and Lance are. It fit and was so enjoyable to be a small part of.
We got to meet his parents, Sandi and Howard, His Aunt Sue and Uncle Willy, his sister Barbara and her husband Reinhart and their two precious kids. Best Friends joined and all my children were there with bells on. The grandkids played and frolicked. The whole affair was kid friendly as would be natural knowing Jams.
The wedding was precious with Jamie bouncing with her joy and Lance stoic but equally excited inside I am sure. Jessi played a song, held the bouquet, pressed the dress, cared for the possessions of her sister and got the room spruced up as was appropriate for their return. The wedding supper was just great like in "Froggy went a courtin'" and the various groups merged and converged in waves getting to know each other or not but all in agreement for the happiness of the bride and groom.
The weather, with many dire predictions just plain allowed this wedding to complete and was even shining favorable on the whole affair. Sunsets were lovely, prairie pictures were so fresh and picturesque. The photographers were angels and the food was good. Jack cried a ton but was happy. I teared up once but mostly was smiling upon the whole event beatifically. Jamie's laid back faith that all would be fine was answered as she knew it would. I remember asking what she would do if it rained and she just said "no worry... the bridge is long all will go well no matter what and besides mom, it won't rain..." My prophetic daughter was right.
The next day was great with a few small glitches that were mere speed bumps in the road and the reception was lovely in a whole different sort of way. Friends and family descended on the church atrium and a lovely program with simple and delicious desserts was lushly provided. There was a place for kids, they all loved Jessi Lynn's songs and the wee ones danced for our entertainment. The Quilt was a splendid guest book and pictures were taken by many including those wonderful friends with the cameras that did all. The online photo albums took me hours to peruse but am so glad I took a few so I could blog the memory online before ordering with so many choices. The slideshow Lance put together is now on facebook for many to share. He is a real whiz with all that electronic picturemaking stuff. I stuggle to just get the photo's onto photobucket and back onto my blog. Whew! I really admire talent in all areas. Thanks to Lisa Groves for the wonderful reception which fit Jamie's personality perfectly and went off without a visible hitch. Go Lisa! She could do that for a living for sure and she gave Jamie the best she had!
I cried when I drove out of Minneapolis. She has been only four hours away and that has meant a lot to me even though she has always been very busy at the church. I will probably never go to Minneapolis again and it was a lovely city. Now Nashville calls and they are ready for the move to a life together. I may not get there often or at all but I will cherish what was and pray for their happiness and health and be grateful for cell phones. I love my daughter and her husband with my whole heart and wish them all God's best for now and forever.
Did I say how much I loved their wedding and reception?
Oh Yeah!