Sunday, October 26, 2008

Things are unexplained but normal.

E.R. checked Jack out from head to toe and sent him home with Pam W and Jenna for the night and apparently he has pain meds for tonight. They found nothing definative after a CT scan and blood work and x-rays. He is still in major pain but wants to go home NOW and is hungry.
Thank you for prayers.
Now I must get the six kids in the car and go pick up Anjeline and take her and the baby home get my kids back here and in bed and Peggy should be back about that time to take hers.
At church today I heard the Lord telling me to rest. Rest in Him came later but I heard rest and sleep and take it slow so I am planning that very strategy for this week and next. I am tired through and through. Guess I should not have needed that word from God but it is hard for me to stop doing...


Unknown said...

We are glad you are all home!

Shirjean said...

I hope Jack is doing OK and that you endeed slow down, you have been running for as long as I have Known you! Shirley